River sanitation and hygiene are closely related to health. Some diseases, such as diarrhea and skin problems, can be caused by poor water sanitation and hygiene. These factors can also indirectly cause URTI. Therefore, preventive and curative approaches need to be done. Ciliwung Care Community (Komunitas Peduli Ciliwung / KPC) together with Badan Sosial Lintas Agama (Basolia) held free health services for Ciliwung riverbank residents in Bogor city as the "Clean Ciliwung, Healthy People" campaign. In these free medical services, KPC also provided education about river health. If people are aware of this issue, they hopefully will no longer throw garbage to the river and this will preserve the water flow and quality, and will affect people's health and living improvement in overall.
On June, 9th, 2013, from 9am to 2pm, the first event was held for Sempur residents, one of the 12 villages in Bogor located on Ciliwung riverbank, involving 18 doctors and 50 volunteers. There were 423 people came that day for the free medical service. Upper respiratory tract infection (URTI), hypertension, and gastritis are the three most found illnesses during the service, followed by osteo-arthritis, skin disease, diarrhea, ear and eye disease. One doctor referred a child with suspected congenital heart disease to the local state health center.
The second service was at Tajur village on June 30th, 2013, with 12 doctors and 30 volunteers. As much as 228 people came and URTI, hypertension, gastritis, skin disease, and arthritis once again was the most found five illnesses. Patients with angina pectoris (heart attack), hernia inguinalis, and suspected urolithiasis were immediately referred to local state health center.
The third free health service was held on September 1st, 2013, in Baranangsiang village. With 16 doctors and 40 volunteers, KPC and Basolia recorded as many as 367 people came for the free medical service. URTI, gastritis, hypertension, myalgia, and skin disease are the most found illnesses during this service.
Baranangsiang village is located more downstream the Ciliwung river than the two villages before. More people with skin problems were treated in this village compare to the other two. We found 20 people with skin disease in Sempur village and 28 people Tajur village, while 32 people with skin problems were found in Baranangsiang village. The unhealthy use of the river water by residents such as washing dishes and clothes, taking shower and even defecate in the river, will increase the risk of skin problems for people living downstream. This, of course, will need further research and evidence in the other downstream villages.
Yenny Vandalita.
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