Kamis, Mei 23, 2013


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Dear all,

Following the floods in early 2013, our colleagues and friends in Indonesia have been working tirelessly to recover and to move forward with their work along the Ciliwung River. Following on from our fundraising efforts last year, which were greatly supported by the University of Queensland Indonesia Student Association (UQ ISA), the Ciliwung Community Care group (KPC) is now in a position to run their planned activities from this fundraising.

Additionally, they have secured extra funds on top of what we raised to further extend the events. This is a great effort! The events that are currently underway and planned include:

 1.Ciliwung River Photo Competition: 

The KPC have organised a photography competition centred around the Ciliwung River. The benefits of the this competition are that it will raise awareness of the issues of the Ciliwung and bring attention to the river in an easily accessible format. The photos that are being submitted are available here for everyone to see https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151368175685887.1073741828.69076855886&type=3 A photographic insight into rivers is always compelling.

2. Ciliwung River Trash clean-up competition 
While KPC runs weekly trash clean up events with its volunteers, and has been doing so since 2009, this year will see the 5th annual Trash Clean up Competition. Here is a short summary from KPC organiser, Muhammad Muslich:

"The Competition will be held at Saturday June 1st along 16 km Ciliwung River in Bogor City. In the D-Day, 200 peoples from any institution will support the Competition as jury. They are come from the student, military, police, Ciliwung Community Network, government officer, and academics. 12 villages along the river delegate minimal 150 peoples to the competition. The duration of the competition is four hours (08.00-12.00 a.m.). At the 14.00 p.m. all of jury will count and decide the Competition winner. 

The Major of Bogor and Governor of West Java will take in place in big ceremonial event to give trophies for the winners. This annual competition is part of Bogor Day Celebrating which will celebrate on Monday June 3rd."

If you would like more information or would like to support or be a part of the 5th Annual Trash Clean up day please contact Muslich (m.muslich@burung.org) or myself (melanie@riverfoundation.org.au) to become involved. The KPC welcome new faces and the support of organisations in Indonesia. This year, the KPC are hoping that the event will be big enough to make it into the record books in Indonesia. Please promote this event amongst your networks if possible.

3. Other news In other news 
Over the last 6 – 8 months, the KPC has secured and is operating their own plastics recycling centre to make use of the garbage that is being cleaned out of the Ciliwung River. Additionally, the KPC has begun to collaborate with a local doctor, who is also volunteering her time to assist with education and health messages for communities along the Ciliwung. This collaboration is fantastic.

Recently the KPC also made the news for the efforts and innovation: http://www.pbs.org/idealab/2013/05/how-frontlinesms-helped-an-indonesian-community-clean-up-a-river133.html 

We look forward to seeing all the results from the next few weeks and wish the KPC best luck with their trash collecting day. Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to become involved. This work is essential in supporting the health of the Ciliwung River and the communities who rely on it every day.

Melanie Ryan
Programs Manager International Riverfoundation
Website: http://www.riverfoundation.org.au
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Komunitas Peduli Ciliwung Bogor berdiri sejak Maret 2009. Komunitas yang menginginkan adanya rasa kepedulian terhadap keberlangsungan sungai Ciliwung di Kota Bogor. 

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